
Do You Build Up Tolerance to CBD and THC

The question of CBD tolerance is one that many people ask themselves, and it can be a difficult thing to wrap your head around. This is especially true since some people believe that CBD can also cause tolerance, seeing that it came from cannabis.

The definition of tolerance is the body’s decreased sensitivity or response to a drug after repeated use, leading to higher intake just to feel the same effects again.

Can this effect happen to a regular CBD user?

In this blog post, we will discuss in-depth what tolerance is and if it is possible to happen to CBD users.

Tolerance: What Is It?

Tolerance, as mentioned earlier, is the body’s decreased sensitivity to certain substances — especially highly addictive compounds — after repeated use. This means that, over time, you might need more and more of the compound to achieve the same desired effects.

CBD Tolerance: Does It Build Up Overtime?

No. This is because CBD does not bind to cannabinoid receptor type 1 in the same way as THC. When THC binds to this receptor, it produces the mind-altering, euphoric, and psychoactive effects that cannabis is famous for. As you consume more THC, these receptors become numb and less sensitive to THC, requiring you to consume higher THC doses to feel the same effects.

CBD doesn’t have this effect since it doesn’t directly bind to its active site. Instead, CBD binds to another location on the receptor that changes the way the receptor is shaped. This effect reduces THC’s psychoactive and addictive effects.

Because CBD is not addictive and may even have properties to control addiction, it cannot increase your risk of developing CBD tolerance. You will not need more doses of CBD to experience the same therapeutic effects. According to experts, CBD even produces a reverse tolerance effect.

What is Reverse CBD Tolerance?

This is the opposite of tolerance. Instead of needing to increase your CBD dose over time, you decrease your need for CBD because your body has become less resistant and more sensitive to it. This means that, over time, your body will need lower CBD doses to enjoy its therapeutic effects.

Is THC Tolerance Possible?

Because THC is addictive, you can develop THC tolerance. THC tolerance means that you have built up a resistance to the psychoactive effects of THC, you need increasing doses of THC to feel the desired effects.

Will I Experience Tolerance with THC?

Yes. As mentioned earlier, THC tolerance is possible. After repeated exposure to THC, the body becomes tolerant to the compound and requires more of it rug to achieve the same effects. This is why people who use cannabis regularly report needing higher THC doses to experience similar effects.

How Can I Reduce THC Tolerance?

There are a few ways to reduce THC tolerance.

  • One way is to take a THC break. This can be anywhere from five days to a month of abstinence from any cannabis product.
  • If you’re not prepared to take a THC break, then decrease your dose. You can use half of your dose for about a couple of weeks. In time, the receptors will become sensitive to THC again.
  • Lastly, you can try using CBD oil to help offset the side effects of withdrawal from THC for a while.

Is CBD Worth Using?

Using CBD oil and a dropper

Yes. CBD is definitely worth using. It’s non-psychoactive and has many different therapeutic benefits. It can help with chronic pain and low-grade inflammation that typically comes with chronic pain problems like migraines and headaches.

CBD won’t produce tolerance, so you can continue enjoying the health benefits of CBD without worrying too much about tolerance, addiction, or dependence.

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CBD Dosage: How Much Should You Take?

CBD dosing is different for everyone. Some people might need a higher dose than others, depending on their body’s reaction to CBD and the health problems they are using it to treat. It’s also important to remember that everyone reacts differently when it comes to CBD.

To prevent side effects, you may begin with the lowest possible CBD dose and monitor how your body reacts to this dose. This will help you determine whether to increase or decrease your CBD dose.

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What are the Side Effects of CBD?

CBD tolerance may not be something to be worried about, but users should also be aware of the possible side effects of using CBD. Here are some of the most common ones.

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Some people experience nausea when taking CBD oil products. This may be because you’ve taken a higher dose or the body is still adjusting to it. Either way, Some people find relief by taking small doses throughout the day instead of one large dose at any time.


Many people report feeling dizzy or lightheaded when they stand up quickly from a seated or lying position after using CBD. This is often caused by CBD lowering your blood pressure since it’s known to dilate the blood vessels.

Dry Mouth

Some CBD users experience dry mouth since CBD interacts with the salivary glands.

Saliva is a natural lubricant that helps keep our mouths moist. When CBD oil is absorbed into the bloodstream, it interacts with other receptors in the body, including those found in the salivary glands. Studies show that CBD can decrease the production of saliva, leading to a dry mouth sensation.

To relieve this side effect, you may drink plenty of water.

Is CBD Safe?

Yes. CBD is safe to use and has no psychoactive effects. It’s non-addictive and can be used for a variety of different health problems. It cannot cause CBD tolerance, but instead, it can help relieve some of the side effects of THC.

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In Summary

CBD tolerance is not possible with CBD use. You won’t build up a resistance to the effects of CBD. You won’t need more and more CBD to feel its desired effects. Instead, CBD can produce reserve tolerance. You’ll need less CBD because the cells have become more sensitive to this cannabinoid. This is good news for CBD users as they can enjoy the benefits of CBD without experiencing tolerance, addiction, or dependence.

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