1st Annual WA Cannabis Summit

1st Annual WA Cannabis Summit

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Hello Everyone,

It took me a while to figure out how to write this note to all of you. My thoughts on the 1st Annual Washington Cannabis Summit overwhelm me, in the best way possible. I am still absolutely awestruck. So I must apologize for the completely insufficient vernacular I possess with which I will try and convey a fraction of what transpired there.The Summit was by far and away, the most hands down, flat out, utterly inspiring and phenomenal event I have ever had the honor of attending throughout my illustrious career.

It was a pinnacle event. You couldn’t have asked for better panelists and attendees. The day was truly devoted to education, the days ahead, and the dialogue that is required to facilitate the harmonious and bright futures the Cannabis and Hemp industries will have within the human race. The day created more synergistic flow than almost any other event I have had the fortune to attend, ever.

Tommy Chong started the day off on perfect pitch. With just a few words he simply, truly, and almost effervescently coalesced an industry that has been divided by poor legislation, greed, and long standing infighting. With the tone set and Ray Carveth moderating, a beautiful symphony began to come to life right before our very eyes. The most groundbreaking ideas, from some of the brightest minds working within the Cannabis and Hemp Industries were all discussed openly for those in attendance, the world at large, as well as a host of legislators and leaders in conjunctive industries. So many wondrous ideas and dreams were woven into the day that it we could barely capture them all. Dreams and ideas for better lives, better futures, and a better planet, for all of us.

It was an event to be remembered, learned from, and modeled upon. A truly momentous occasion which vividly showed us to the power WE possess when we work together. An event that exposed us to the power that is created when we focus on peace, knowledge, education, and outreach. A bedrock reminder that no matter where you came from, what brought you here, or what keeps you here, whatever divides us and makes us different, is infinitely smaller than the passions and Love that keep us working together.


Jeremy Kaufman

Chair: CCSE

For more pictures from the event, please go to the Washington Cannabis Commission’s facebook page.

If you are interested in learning more about the Commission please consider joining one of the affiliated organizations. Obviously, we think you should join the CCSE:)

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